The top management as well as the members of the whole organisation designed and supported the quality management according to the guidelines of the EN ISO 9001:2008 system. Henceforth the quality system is an integral part of our organisational culture.
Within this structure we are able to reach our topmost goal/ambition: To achieve the high demands and claims of our customers.
The well being and the safety of our personnel is our major concern. Therefore we implemented the SCC*:2007 system (SCC= Safety Certification Contractors).
The monthly, security relevant training courses as well as the co- operation with our external specialists improve the safety and well being of our personnel and guarantee a high standard.
Within our company structures safety, well being and quality management of every working process are the foundation pillars. So every staff member has to work on the base of our ISO 9001:2008 and SCC*:2007 quality system.